Thursday, January 17, 2013

Beginning of a new goal

Hello Loves!

Welcome to my health and fitness page! With the new year in the works I thought I would really get my health back on track. I say this because for years now I have been fighting with Crohn's Disease. For those of you who do not know what that is, it is a disease that can affect the digestive intestinal system. Here is a more detailed explanation from this site: What is crohn's disease?
I decided to keep a log on my progress because lately I have been relapsing and keeping track of my every day life becomes a daily struggle. I want to be able to enjoy my life because after all I am only twenty, almost done with college, and have a whole future ahead of me. I made it my mission to not let this disease to get the best of me.
On this page I will try different diets, fitness plans, workouts and even share cool recipes that is good for anyone while any health issues.
As always the main motto when overcome by obstacles is to stay positive and move forward. Easier said that done but life itself is a work in progress :)

Feel free to follow and leave comments of any questions you may have!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I am starting a 30 day get active and healthy FB group challenge, on Monday Jan 21st. If you are interested add me on FB my email is
